Tuesday, July 15, 2008

3 Reasons The Difference Still Makes Me Smile

My book, The Difference a Day Makes, was published three years ago, which the industry considers a lifetime. But expressing the humanity we have in common, in simple, daily ways, seems to have a long shelf-life; the book is still selling nicely, and this week, it was the #1 bestseller in its category on Amazon.com. That means our community of Everyday Altruists is growing every day.

And speaking of sales rankings, another thing that makes me happy is the good fortune I had to interview Greg Mortenson as one of the “expert voices” in The Difference a Day Makes. Greg’s book about his personal quest to build schools for girls in Afghanistan and Pakistan, Three Cups of Tea, was the #1 nonfiction paperback on this week’s Washington Post bestseller list, and it was the first book club choice for Body + Soul magazine readers. Among other experts I had the privilege of speaking with, all of whom are still busy building a better world, are Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of the Humane Society of the United States; Sarah Brady, honorary chair of the Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence (read my article about her and husband Jim here); and Bill Shore, founder and executive director of Share Our Strength. Having these extraordinary leaders lend remarks to Difference is an honor for which I am truly grateful.

A third thing that brings a smile to my face is an email I received recently from a reader in New Zealand. Having discovered my book in her local library, she wrote: “Living in a world where so much negativity abounds, hearing or reading comments of an encouraging nature has such a positive effect on my soul. We encouragers need all the encouragement we can get.”

Let us all be encouragers. Tips for green living are all the rage right now, and I’m glad the first chapter of Difference is about Nature Nurture. But what makes me hopeful is that the other chapters offer the same simple recipes for fighting poverty and homelessness, ending violence and hunger, honoring animals and elders and more. So while we’re waiting for the Al Gore of compassionate living to come forth and make it trendy, why not start our own quiet revolution? Tell your friends, engage your social network, write to your newspaper, adopt The Difference a Day Makes as your community group’s project. I guarantee you'll smile.

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