Friday, October 20, 2006

Wealth in My Pocket

In her best-selling book, Simple Abundance, author Sarah ban Breathnach suggests that we tuck a $20 bill into the pockets of coats that we put away after winter, so we'll have the delight of discovering the forgotten cash when we take the coat out again a year later. I didn't have any 20s to spare last spring, but I did find a note in my pocket last week when I wore my fall jacket for the first time. It was from a woman who'd found a copy of my book, The Difference a Day Makes, in her room at a local bed 'n' breakfast and, as a result, had subsequently bought 10 signed copies from me. She'd listed the names of the 10 people she wanted me to address with my signature, and underneath, she wrote, "Thank you -- your book kept me up in a wonderful way the other night. Reading it evoked my hope and my determination, and I appreciate your mind and soul work in doing it."

No amount of 20s could possibly have made me feel richer.

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