Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Cash Conversion

Many of you who subscribe to Waking Up on the Planet have said that its regular Cash Conversion feature is your favorite item. I aim to please:

Cash Conversion
$357 million =

> Value of retirement package granted to ex-Exxon Mobil Corp. CEO Lee Raymond, who stepped down in January (Source: Chicago Tribune)
> Cost to provide 16,227 drivers with a Honda Civic hybrid. (Source: MSN Money)

In Good Company

Without question, the most gratifying part of having authored The Difference a Day Makes: 365 Ways to Change Your World in Just 24 Hours is the arena of remarkable, compassionate people I've been privileged to meet and work among. For example, Difference is currently paired for discount purchase on with the recently released Three Cups of Tea: One Man's Mission to Fight Terrorism and Build Nations . . . One School at a Time by Greg Mortenson. Greg builds schools in troubled regions of Pakistan and Afghanistan, and he was kind enough to provide remarks for the "Thoughts That Count" quotations that appear throughout Difference. Among his contributions: "When I look into the eyes of the children in Afghanistan and Pakistan, I see my own children. I think that the greatest thing we can do for all of them is to leave them a legacy of peace. This is what motivates me." Greg is one of the most inspiring people I've ever had the pleasure to know. Read more about him here.

Earth Day Revisited

Since many of you are subscribers to Waking Up on the Planet who haven't received the e-news in awhile (see opening post about tech troubles), I thought I'd provide some of the April issue's content here -- tips for honoring Earth Day,which surely should extend beyond a single day on the calendar. Thse simple actions can become habits that transform your relationship with all living things -- every day of the year.

> Cut down on your gas consumption by properly inflating your tires.
> Buy green tee shirts. Not the color green (unless you like it), but green as in "eco-friendly," made from organic cotton or hemp. Some sources include Patagonia and American Apparel’s "Sustainable Edition" line.
> Replace chemical-heavy household cleaners with eco-friendly versions like those from Seventh Generation or Ecover. Discover the cleaning power of simple vinegar and water.
> Choose organic gardening products and techniques this year instead of toxic pesticides and wasteful practices. Ask your county extension service for advice, or visit
> Replace at least some of the conventional lightbulbs in your home with compact fluorescent bulbs.
> Support local food producers, which cuts down on energy used to transport foods around the country. Buy from local food markets and produce stands, and buy organic when you can.
> Get more ideas and share your own with like minds at or

Happy Earth Day -- all year long.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Greetings from Benevolent Planet

It took tech troubles with delivery of Waking Up on the Planet, Benevolent Planet's e-news, to expand the Planet's orbit into the blogosphere. But now that we are here, I'm thrilled to have another venue for sharing practical strategies for purposeful living with all of you, the Everyday Altruists who have made Benevolent Planet a place for global compassion on a personal scale. Welcome to our newest place for meaningful exchange, where we'll be Blogging on Purpose for a long time to come.